Monday, 26 September 2011


Do you have an expensive digital camera that you don't know how use?
Never get round to reading the manual?
Or just frustrated as you love taking photos of your kids but the photographs just don't come out how you imagined?

Well this workshop is for you?!

I set up Perfect Pics because so many of my friends love taking photos of their children but struggle to get good results. But with a few simple tips and an understanding of their camera they would be able to dramatically improve their photography.
This is a relaxed workshop,ideally for parents that want to have fun whilst still learning in a practical way.
The workshop will run in two 3hr sessions,one week apart. Places are limited to 8 adults to allow you to gain the maximum benefit from the workshop.The first session we will learn about using natural light,composition,exposure and using the best settings for your camera, whilst eating cake and drinking tea(always necessary when learning!)
Session Two will take place a week later,after you have had time to practice your new found knowledge.I will ask you to bring in your best shots, where we will all critique them which is also a great way to pick up tips, and the best image will receive a prize.
We will then learn some basic editing,storing of photos,and printing.
You will go away with a goody bag and hopefully a new passion and confidence to take beautiful photographs of your children!


Level Beginner but must be able to operate your camera at a basic level.
Kit A digital SLR camera
Course length 6 hours 9.30-12.30 set over 2 days (one week apart) 
Where Harpenden, Herts
Cost £95
Dates TBC

If you are interested in booking a place please contact me direct

Contact details
T:01582 462561

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Catch up!

Well the kids have gone back to school, so I am well and truly playing catch up on all the work I should have done over the summer holidays! Not sure I gave either of my jobs 100 %, being a mum or a photographer over the summer! Having the boys off for so long was lovely but very stressful from a work point if view!
So I am going to up load over the next weeks some of my shoots from the summer, better late then never!
One below of my boys. I have to pay then £1 a shot now as they hate having their photos taken, think I have over done it over the years!

Sisters photography session

Sharon bought here 2 daughters for a shoot with me, and they were just both so lovely. They obviously adore each other, and were so easy to work with as they just giggled the whole time!